ready to spend my life at sea

Blog #16 – Free-write – How can beauty be applied to regions in dismay?

The definition of beauty is difficult to put a pin in. The reason for this is that everyone has their own opinions that are heavily based off of past and present life events. Some grew up without knowing anything of purity in their lives, yet still are able to determine a moment of beauty they witnessed in another’s. As our nation ages, it seems to become increasingly important for these younger generations to make a display of harmony. This harmony, happiness, and purity can be found in life’s simple beauties.

In neighborhoods where there is a lot of crime, heartache, and general unfortunate event happenings, people are forced to find ways that grant  them inner peace, which can be beauty. They may find solace, however, it may not be the best and most healthy method. People may come across false beauty that is able to momentarily heal them, but not for an elongated period of time. In fact, this beauty may turn around on them and wind up hurting themselves. It is always a lot easier to settle for a simple solution to a hardship than to search for one that can make you genuinely fulfilled.

The issue with finding these genuinely beautiful moments is that they can truly be hard to come by, especially in cases where there is much dismay. Something that makes moments beautiful is the balance of rarity in when they occur. It is easy to lose hope when you often not see kindness in people or experience a blissful moment. However, if this has the ability to happen every so often, as opposed to once in a blue moon, then more people may begin to realize the positive effect these moments can have of their lives. By introducing small actions and possibly joyful marketing tactics, we will be able to emphasize the greater world.

Now, when I say marketing tactics, I do not mean the marketing used to sell items; I am referring to some method of spreading beauty and happiness. By showing people simple beautiful moments or acts of kindness, they may learn from that and use it at a tough point in their lives. Instead of retreating to using a drug or another quick and detrimental moment of peace, they may find another mode of peace. They may try to recreate this beautiful moment they found, by going on a walk or painting a picture for themselves. I believe that by spreading these pure moments, we will be able to heal parts of our world that are having trouble.

As a society, we do not have to agree with one another, however, we do have to coexist. We need to find harmony and solitude in common ways that allow for us all to reunite. Beauty is a simple and very basic method of doing so. Most all people find that animals are beautiful, mountains are beautiful, the ocean, and peacefulness. If we simply apply these simple aspects to how we live our lives, we will be able to find peace in beauty.

-Claim Seeds-

  • if this has the ability to happen every so often, as opposed to once in a blue moon, then more people may begin to realize the positive effect these moments can have of their lives
    • talking about how is beauty is more prevalent, people will be more inclined for peace
  • As our nation ages, it seems to become increasingly important for these younger generations to make a display of harmony.
    • harmony seems to be an element in certain beautiful moments, and possibly one of the easiest to come by

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    What a wonderful free write! You wandered into so many interesting ideas. I would be so interested in exploring how marketers tap into our reaction to beauty in order to sell products.

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