The final draft of my Significant Writing Project showcases my ability to utilize sources in my own text. I strive to incorporate quotations and statements as flawlessness as possible. I have learned to utilize a skill from class that is called “quote sandwiches”. These quote sandwiches refer to an explanation prefacing a quote, with a followup quote afterwards. My favorite quoting method is by incorporating a quote into a sentence. For example,
“While some believe the thoroughness of science based facts could be at question with STEAM, that really doesn’t seem to be what STEAM actually is trying to do. By including art in our scientific curriculum, it simply could allow for a “higher level of cognitive thinking” (Ma 258). Art is proven to broaden the mind by allowing us to express various different abilities we may not know that we have.”
This is evidence of my strong use of quotations. I believe I was able to give background information about why I’m specifically using this sentence fragment, while continuing my related thought after. I believe the best method of choosing quotations or evidence is to find them after writing a draft of your paper. This is what I find works best for me, as I can become confused if I attempt to base my paper off of quotes as opposed to the other way around.